Basic Information
  • name:LI Yan
  • title:Associate Professor
  Personal profile
Li Yan, PhD, female, born in 1982 in Dangshan, Anhui Province. Lecturer in Marine Science. She obtained a bachelor's degree in Atmospheric Science from Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology in 2004, a master's degree in Meteorology from China Academy of Meteorological Sciences in 2007, and a doctor's degree in Meteorology from Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology in 2010. She works in Shenzhen University since 2020. At present, she is responsible for the teaching of Marine Management and Marine Hot Issues for undergraduates. She is engaged in the research of marine data sets, large-scale air-sea interaction, regional marine climate change and extreme climate events, as well as applied oceanography.
  Selected Publications

(1) Li Yan, Ren Guoyu, Wang Qingyuan, et al. 2019. More extreme marine heatwaves in the China Seas during the global warming hiatus. Environ. Res. Lett, 14(10) 104010.

(2) Li Yan, Mu L, Wang Q, et al. 2020. High-quality sea surface temperature measurements along coast of the Bohai and Yellow Seas in China and their long-term trends during 1960–2012. Int J Climatol. 1–14.

(3) Li Yan, Han von Storch, Wang Qingyuan, et al. 2019. Testing the validity of regional detail in global analyses of sea surface temperaturethe case of Chinese coastal waters. Ocean Science, 15, 1455-1467.

(4) Li Yan, Birger Tinz, Hans von Storch, et al. 2018. Construction of a surface air temperature series for Qingdao in China for the period 1899 to 2014. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 10, 643-652.

职称 Associate Professor 邮箱
个人简介 Li Yan, PhD, female, born in 1982 in Dangshan, Anhui Province. Lecturer in Marine Science. She obtained a bachelor's degree in Atmospheric Science from Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology in 2004, a master's degree in Meteorology from China Academy of Meteorological Sciences in 2007, and a doctor's degree in Meteorology from Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology in 2010. She works in Shenzhen University since 2020. At present, she is responsible for the teaching of Marine Management and Marine Hot Issues for undergraduates. She is engaged in the research of marine data sets, large-scale air-sea interaction, regional marine climate change and extreme climate events, as well as applied oceanography.