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2. Hao, L., Zheng, X., Wang, Y., Li, S., Shang, C. and Xu, Y. (2019). Inhibition of tomato early blight disease by cultural extracts of a Streptomyces isolate from mangrove soil. Phytopathology. Vol. 109(7): 1149-1156.
3. Hao, L., Kemmenoe, D., Canik Orel, D. and Burr T. J. (2018). The impacts of tumorigenic and non-tumorigenic Agrobacterium vitis strains on graft strength and growth of grapevines. Plant Dis. Vol. 102 (2): 375-381.
4. Hao, L., Johnson, K. Cursino, L., Mowery, P. and Burr T. J. (2017). Characterization of the Xylella fastidiosa PD1311 gene mutant and its suppression of Pierce’s disease on grapevines. Mol. Plant Pathol. Vol. 18(5): 684-694.
5. Hao, L., Athinuwat, D., Johnson, K., Cursino, L., Burr, T. J. and Mowery, P. (2017). Xylella fastidiosa pil-chp operon is involved in regulating key structural genes of both type I and IV pili. Vitis. Vol. 56: 55-62.
6. Hao L.*, Zaini, P*., Horchs, H., Burr, T. J. and Mowery, P. (2016). Grape cultivars and culturing conditions affect the development of Xylella fastidiosa phenotypes associated with Pierce’s disease. PLoS ONE 11(8): e0160978.
7. Kumanović, N., Pulawska, J., Hao, L., and Burr, T. J. (2018). The ecology of Agrobacterium vitis and management of crown gall disease in vineyards. Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol. 418:15-53.