
    2024-12-19 Psychological Health Association of the School of Life and…

    生科心协|解压工坊——释放压力缓解焦虑Psychological Health Association of the School of Life and Ocean Sciences | Stress Relief Workshop - Relieving Stress and Relieving…

    2024-12-19 Hand in hand with millions of education | Shenda Health Br…

    携手百千万,教育润心田|深大生科“点燃星火”支教队启航乡村教育之旅Hand in hand with millions of education | Shenda Health Branch "Spark" volunteer teaching team set sail…

    2024-12-17 Baimillion project | "Li" competing upstream -- new green …

    百千万工程|“荔”争上游——新型绿色生物技术全链条式为岭南佳果增鲜Baimillion project | "Li" competing upstream -- new green biotechnology full chain for Lingnan best fru…

    2024-12-17 Freshmen entering Liyuan丨"Fun" Orientation Challenge Even…

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    2024-12-17 National gene bank丨A new class in the Department of Marin…

    国家基因库|深大海洋科学系的新课堂National gene bank丨A new class in the Department of Marine Sciences at SZU2024年9月8日下午,深圳大学海洋科学系74名师生前往华大国家基因…